“LG SOUND BAR SN4, 2.1CH, 300W, AI SOUND PRO, TV SOUND SYNC, WIRELESS SUBWOOFER” has been added to your cart. Continue shopping Product Price Quantity Total LG SOUND BAR SN4, 2.1CH, 300W, AI SOUND PRO, TV SOUND SYNC, WIRELESS SUBWOOFER Price: ₵6,376.00 Total: ₵6,376.00 ₵6,376.00 LG SOUND BAR SN4, 2.1CH, 300W, AI SOUND PRO, TV SOUND SYNC, WIRELESS SUBWOOFER quantity Quantity ₵6,376.00 Back To Shop Update cart Cart totals Subtotal ₵6,376.00 Shipping Free shipping Northern Belt: ₵65.00 Middle Belt: ₵50.00 Southern Belt: ₵30.00 Shipping to Greater Accra. Total ₵6,376.00 (includes ₵185.71 Tax) Proceed to checkout